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Why small business owners rely on business law attorneys

by | May 3, 2022 | Business Consulting & Advice

Every first week of May, the federal Small Business Administration celebrates Small Business Week. According to the SBA’s website, it will spend the week marking “the resiliency and tenacity of America’s entrepreneurs” and sharing “tools and information that entrepreneurs need to further power our economic growth.”

One of the most critical tools in a successful small business owner’s toolbox is legal counsel. Businesses of every size in the Tampa Bay area need legal advice, of course. But larger companies can afford to hire in-house counsel. As a small business owner, you probably can’t afford to keep a lawyer on staff, let alone a legal department. But you still need reliable advice and representation on transactions, employment matters, litigation and protecting yourself from market downfalls.

What a business attorney can do for you

That is where working with a business law attorney in private practice comes in. You can still get great legal assistance within the budget of a typical small business. No matter what stage your business is in, a lawyer can help. Here are just a few examples of legal issues your business will likely deal with:

  • Business formation
  • Succession planning/partnership divorce
  • Contract drafting
  • Hiring, firing and employee policies
  • Real estate purchases/leases
  • Regulatory matters

Investing in legal help now can help shield yourself, your partners and your business from potentially serious problems down the road. Preventative measures like this do not have to break your budget. Your lawyer will work with you to reach a reasonable payment structure.

Every tool in your arsenal can help

Entrepreneurs know that having an experienced business lawyer on their side is not a guarantee of success. But the more good, dependable help you get, the better your chances of building your idea into something that lasts.

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