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Tactics for improving your business’s accounts receivable

by | Sep 26, 2022 | Business Consulting & Advice

Operating a successful business requires constant adjustments to how it operates. During times when an economic downturn seems likely, appropriate changes to company operations can help the business whether the upcoming financial storm.

Accounts receivable or unpaid invoices for goods and services already provided can diminish a company’s capital and leave it financially overextended. What are common tactics businesses use to improve their accounts receivable, especially when facing a recession?

Proactively prevent delays

One of the most successful ways to minimize payment delays is the imposition of financial penalties. If your contract with clients or customers allows you to assess fees when they do not pay in full or on time, those fees can serve as an incentive to prioritize paying the company assessing the fee over other creditors.

Communicate assertively about balances

Changes in the employment roster at a company or a short-term decline in sales due to the recession may delay payments. An invoice could go from 30 days past due to 60 days past due in no small part because of miscommunication. Sending electronic notices, combined with written invoices, will help ensure that the appropriate parties know about the balance due.

Prioritize customers who stay current

When scheduling delivery or services, it is a smart move to prioritize those who make a point of paying in full and on time over those who keep a running balance or send payments in later than they should.

Other ways to improve a company’s accounts receivable may include no longer cooperating with those with past-due amounts and frequently reviewing the accounts receivable to ensure they don’t reach a dangerous level.

Proactively adjusting company practices to prepare for a likely recession can help businesses keep their doors open regardless of changing economic circumstances. Contact us to schedule a consultation if you are struggling with accounts receivable or wish to help prevent these types of issues from occuring.

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