For some businesses, having physical locations that are open to the public are necessary for success. Buying a commercial property outright can be vastly expensive, which is why many business owners opt for commercial leases instead. A commercial lease can benefit...
Brick Business Law
Brick Business Law Welcomes Partner Kevin Zwetsch
Brick Business Law, P.A., is pleased to announce that Kevin Zwetsch, Esq., joined the Firm as a Partner, effective December 4th, 2023. Kevin brings experience spanning 30 years. His practice includes employment law, general civil litigation, dispute resolution, human...
How can a lawyer help me with due diligence for a business purchase?
There is no way to eliminate all risks in business transactions, especially when purchasing, but conducting due diligence can at least reduce the level of risk. There are certain preparatory steps that you can take on your own, but it’s always advisable to have legal...
Update your employee handbook to ensure compliance
Running a business comes with numerous responsibilities, including managing your team of employees. Every company should have a comprehensive employee handbook as a guide for its workers. Your company’s employee handbook outlines the rules, expectations and core ethos...
Why does my LLC need an Operating Agreement?
As a business owner, you have numerous options in terms of the structure your company takes. One of the most popular choices is to form a Limited Liability Company (LLC). The most important aspect of setting up an LLC is the documentation. An operating agreement is a...
Should I buy the company or the assets of the company?
Generally, a business can be acquired in two ways. The purchaser can acquire either 100 percent of the company’s stock, giving them control over all the assets and liabilities. Or, individual assets can be identified and sold, while other assets remain with the...
Legal pitfalls of managing remote workers
With advancements in technology and unforeseen events in recent years, remote working has become a viable alternative for many companies. Employees are now increasingly working from home or at least on a hybrid basis. This has its benefits, such as workers being able...
Can my business restrict employees’ social media activities?
Social media plays a pivotal role in modern life, and the chances are that all of your employees have at least one account. Generally, what employees post on their personal pages in their own time is of little concern to the company they work for. Nonetheless, there...
A guide to hiring and firing small business employees
The owner of a company sets the standards for any successful small business. Passion as well as relevant knowledge and skills can drive a company forward. As a business owner, you’ll need to delegate, which means having the right staff in place and potentially...
Did a former employee violate a non-disclosure agreement?
Trade secrets are the lifeline of some businesses. It can be disastrous when they fall into the wrong hands. This can happen in many instances, such as when a disgruntled employee decides to retaliate against a former employer by disclosing valuable information to a...