Business partners, employees and other team members are all pivotal to the success of a company. One bad apple can reek havoc, or worse, expose the company to liability. Over the years, you’ve tried your best to foster a positive working environment. You expect every...
Brick Business Law
Recognizing unfair and deceptive business practices
As both a business owner or operator, everyone should know what qualifies as unfair or deceptive business practices. There is a lot to know about the laws surrounding these actions, making it hard to identify whether a business is engaging in this kind of behavior. To...
Florida’s strong, broad-based law regarding unfair business practices
The American commercial landscape – both in Florida and nationally – is uniformly brisk and competitive. And that is hardly surprising, is it? The United States has been a business-oriented country from its inception and leads the world financially as a capitalist...
Protecting a Business from Employee Theft of Trade Secrets: Part 2 – Technology
There are some common sense ways for small businesses to minimize the threat of employee theft of trade secrets. This is the second in a three-part series on the subject. The first post, on using HR policies to protect trade secrets can be found here. Today’s post...