Florida employers often face issues that lead to discrimination claims. Discrimination is any form of unequal treatment based on protected characteristics like race, gender, sexual orientation and age. As an employer, what steps can you take to help prevent...
Brick Business Law
Brick Business Law Welcomes Associate Litigation Attorney Daniel Kerwin
Brick Business Law, P.A. is pleased to announce that Daniel Kerwin, Esq. joined the Firm as an Associate Attorney, effective January 2, 2024. Daniel brings experience in litigation, to the Firm and will be working with the Firm’s St. Petersburg/Sarasota practices. ...
To sign or not to sign: Non-compete agreements in the modern world
Non-compete agreements have been a hot topic in recent years. Some argue that they stagnate healthy competition and restrict employees too much. Nonetheless, these contracts are still legally enforceable in Florida, as long as the terms are reasonable. What benefits...
Identifying legal risks for online businesses
Technology has changed the way commerce is carried out. Nowadays, the majority of major businesses conduct many of their transactions online. E-commerce has made it easier to access global markets and secure sales with the click of a button. With that being said,...
The pros and cons of sharing equity with a key employee
While business owners play a pivotal role, they generally understand the importance of employees too. There are several ways that employees can be rewarded. For example, they may receive a salary increase or bonus. They may be sent on a family vacation. Sometimes,...
Due diligence tips for first-time business buyers
Deciding to purchase your first business is a significant step that can be exciting and rewarding. With that being said, it’s also a challenge. You need to take steps to ensure that your investment is as safe as possible and legally watertight. In other words, it’s...
What are the pros and cons of a business merger?
Maintaining a corporate advantage over competitors isn’t easy. There are numerous options that your company can take, with one of them being a merger. Essentially, a merger involves two companies joining together to operate as a single entity. This strategy has...
How can I best protect my business from creditors?
Running your own business can be rewarding both personally and financially. That said, it does not come without challenges. There may come a point when your business is exposed to creditors. What steps can you take to protect your company from claims? Structuring your...
Establishing a successful collections strategy for your business
Ideally, your business will carry out its services and be paid the agreed amount on time. Usually, this is precisely what happens with the majority of your clients. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out this way. Delayed or missed payments happen for numerous...
What’s the difference between mergers and acquisitions?
Two strategies that business owners can employ for growth are mergers and acquisitions. Often, these terms are used interchangeably, but they are actually very different in meaning. Taking either route is a significant decision for any business owner, so it’s...