Has your business been served with a subpoena? These legal documents are court orders that require action on your part. The subpoena may direct you to show up at a certain location to submit to questioning or produce certain documents. The information it asks for may...
Brick Business Law
Is the absence of constituent documents putting your closely-held company at risk?
Successful businesses typically start with an idea. You may have found a niche in the market and can offer the product or service to fill it. Nonetheless, there is a more formal side to business formation and operations that cannot be ignored. Verbal agreements are...
Are non-compete clauses going away?
The corporate world is notoriously competitive, and as a business owner, you need to garner any possible advantage. A top priority for you is likely safeguarding your investments and intellectual property from getting into the hands of competitors. One tool that has...
Is my business partner trying to gaslight me?
Business partnerships often require trust, communication and mutual respect to thrive. However, some relationships can turn toxic, with one partner employing manipulative tactics such as gaslighting. Originating from a 1938 play called "Gas Light," gaslighting refers...
What are my options if my business partner abandons our company?
A business partnership can be very useful. You and your partner can share the financial responsibilities, the liabilities, the recruitment process and other burdens associated with running your company. That being said, a business partnership can become burdensome if...
How can I protect my business trade secrets?
The business world is notoriously competitive and successful companies generally have unique products, services and skills that they can provide, as a result. In your company’s case, you may rely on unique methods, technologies, processes or recipes to maintain its...
Can the “business judgment rule” protect my company’s board of directors?
Business decisions can sometimes be unpopular with stakeholders, especially if the decisions made are particularly risky or controversial. This can potentially lead to lawsuits against the company’s board of directors – even when the board has not violated any laws or...
What is “restraint of trade,” and how can it affect my business?
The business world is notoriously competitive, with rivals constantly seeking to secure an advantage. Nonetheless, companies are legally prohibited from engaging in certain unfair practices that aim to cause harm to competitors. One example of such tactics is referred...
What is the difference between direct and derivative shareholder lawsuits?
Shareholders are legal entities or individuals who have registered shares in either private or public corporations. Despite having a financial interest in a company, most shareholders generally have little to do with the day-to-day business operations. If the company...
Business law and accounting: Shareholder derivative lawsuits
The structure of corporations can be complex, particularly when the business is significant in scale. There may be several key shareholders who own a stake in the company. However, not all shareholders are necessarily involved in the day-to-day decision making of the...