The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) regulates the securities industry and ensures that member brokerages and financial professionals operate fairly and honestly. To protect your reputation and your client's interests, you must comply with FINRA...
Brick Business Law
Debunking 3 common myths about intellectual property infringement
From copyrights and trademarks to patents and trade secrets, intellectual property (IP) forms the backbone of many businesses and creative endeavors. When another person or business makes or uses these assets, it can constitute infringement and potentially harm the...
Retail employees on commission may be exempt from overtime
Full-time employees in Florida typically work around 40 hours per week. They do this at an agreed rate, at least equivalent to the minimum wage. However, the majority of workers are also entitled to overtime pay when exceeding 40 hours per week. The overtime rate...
What is a fiduciary duty?
Fiduciary duty is a legal term connecting two entities, often organizations and individuals. The individual may have a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of someone else. The other entity may be the organization itself or the shareholders in general. As such,...
The dangers of job postings for employers
Job postings have changed a lot over time. With increased awareness of diversity and the need to avoid discriminating against people, employers must take more care than ever when seeking to fill vacant posts. Things that might once have been seen as normal could now...
The law in Florida prevents deceptive trading practices
All businesses sell either goods or services. The majority of companies also deal with other businesses, such as suppliers, to continue running efficiently. Businesses have to trade fairly. A company cannot employ deceptive practices that deceive customers. The law...
When partnership agreements go wrong
When two or more companies have similar goals and objectives, rather than competing with one another, they can combine forces and achieve those goals together. In business, this is referred to as a partnership agreement. Partnership agreements can be beneficial as...
Can having an on-site counselor help your business?
Thankfully, the negative stigma around mental health issues has started to shift in recent decades. Mental health issues are something that both business owners and employees can face at times. While new business owners don’t tend to employ an on-site counselor at...
What are the cons of entering a joint venture?
Starting a joint venture can be an exciting step for any entrepreneur. It's a way to combine resources, expertise and networks to complete complicated initiatives. However, like any major business decision, this step comes with challenges and risks. This blog...
The fiduciary duties of business partners
A business partnership can be a fruitful relationship. Partners who are on the same page can jointly tackle finding new customers and keeping existing ones. The legal and financial responsibilities of the company can also be shared. Business partners have fiduciary...