Making decisions as a business owner isn’t easy. There are various avenues you can take to promote the growth of your company. Something you may have considered is a corporate merger. During a merger, two or more separate companies come together to form one distinct...
Business Transactions
Why use legal counsel when drafting contracts to sell or purchase a business?
Purchasing a new business or selling an existing one are major decisions. However, if the time is right, both moves can be very rewarding. One thing you’ll need to consider is the existence of any binding legal contracts that affect whatever businesses are involved in...
What’s the difference between a clickwrap and a browsewrap agreement?
With advancing technology in recent decades, many business transactions are carried out online with the click of a button. This approach has the advantage of ensuring that transactions progress almost seamlessly. The downside is that parties to agreements may bypass...
Should I use a broker for a business purchase?
Completing the acquisition of a new company can be complex. There are a lot of things to consider, and some may be difficult to navigate on your own. One option you have is to hire a broker. Is this a wise move? Is your broker in it for the right reasons? At the end...
How do I choose the right partner for a joint venture?
Businesses of all sizes combine forces via joint ventures to harness their potential and build relationships depending on their needs. There is often strength in coming together. Done right, a joint venture can help a business increase its productivity, access new...
Potential benefits of buying an existing business
Many business owners start their company and build the entire business from the ground up. You hear a lot of stories about major corporations that started in a garage or a basement. But you have another option if you’d like to be a business owner. You don’t...