Brick Business Law, P.A. is pleased to announce that Joseph Kennett, Esq. has joined the Firm as a Senior Litigation Attorney. Joe adds considerable trial, litigation and business experience to the Firm’s growing practice. Joe will be handling primarily business...
Firm News
Brick Business Law Wins Contempt and Sanctions Motion for Final Judgment in Products Liability Case
In the case of Mandarelli, et al v. Power Line Industries, Inc., filed in the Circuit Court of Hillsborough County, Brick Business Law filed and won a motion for contempt and sanctions resulting in a rare final judgment sanction in the case. The Plaintiffs sued...
Brick Business Law Welcomes Senior Litigation Attorney John Koda
Brick Business Law, P.A. is pleased to announce that John Koda, Esq. joined the Firm as a Senior Litigation Attorney, effective July 2, 2018. John brings over twenty years of business, real estate, commercial and consumer litigation experience to the Firm and will be...
Brick Business Law Wins Judgment in Business Civil Theft Case
On June 11, Brick Business Law prevailed in the final hearing in a case involving claims of conversion, breach of implied in fact contract and civil theft pursuant to Fla. Stat. 772.11. Brick represented a national seller of home environmental products which had a...
Brick Business Law Wins Judgment in Civil Theft, Unpaid Wages Business Case
In the case of Reitz v. Lopez, in the Circuit Court of Hillsborough County in Tampa, Florida, Brick Business Law won a final judgment for the Plaintiff for approximately $100,000 in a hearing held in March, 2018. The case involved a business dispute whereby the...
Brick Business Law wins Summary Final Judgment in Business Litigation Case
On January 15, 2018, Brick Business Law won a summary judgment motion for approximately $75,000 on behalf of the Plaintiff in the case of Lozon v. FFR Global Inc., et al. The damages awarded included approximately $10,000 in attorney’s fees and costs. ...
Florida Business Litigation: Attorney Brick Obtains Judgment and Attorney’s Fees Award in FDUTPA Case
Appearing before the Circuit Court in Pasco County, Attorney Kevin Brick argued for and obtained a judgment and an attorney’s fees award on behalf of his clients in a Florida Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act case in February, 2017. The case involved a...
Attorney Brick Wins Injunction Hearing in LLC Derivative Action
On June 3, in the case of Yifat Shaolm, et. al. v. Nissim Sabatani, the Hon. Bruce Boyer of the Pinellas County Circuit Court conducted on evidentiary hearing on the Plaintiff’s Emergency Motion For Temporary Injunction Without Notice and to Expel And Dissociate...
Brick Business Law Recognized as a Best Resource for Businesses in Florida
Brick Business Law, P.A. was named as the 9th best “Small Business Professional Service” Provider in the entire State of Florida by Startup Savant, a resource guide for small businesses. The firm was the top law firm in the Tampa Bay Area to appear on the list, which...
Attorney Brick Wins Repeat Violence Injunction Hearing in Business Case
In the case of Tina Accomando-Himpler v. Phillip David Hines, attorney Kevin Brick successfully argued for the imposition of a repeat violence injunction against petitioner’s business partner, David Hines. After a contested evidentiary hearing in the Thirteenth...