A Trusted Law Firm For

Representing Your Best Interests In Breach Of Fiduciary Duties Matters

A fiduciary is someone who has a duty to care for another. The existence of a businesses’ fiduciary relationships could arise in multiple circumstances. Florida common law and statutes establish under what conditions a person becomes a fiduciary to another.

At Brick Business Law P.A., we litigate and advise on cases involving breaches of fiduciary duties. We pursue and defend claims for breach of fiduciary duties.

What Breach Of Fiduciary Duty Can Entail

Business litigation over breaches of fiduciary duty generally involve situations where an officer (such as a president, vice president or CEO), director, manager or employee has an obligation to protect a business or its shareholders and fails to do so.

Generally, this type of litigation involves misappropriation of business assets, corporate waste, and theft of trade secrets. It could involve a failure to perform when performance was required or it could involve someone who actively takes actions to help themselves at the expense of the business. In these instances and other business litigation matters we offer experienced, strategic guidance tailored to your specific circumstance.

Find Out More About Your Rights And Options

If someone has accused you of breaching your duties to a business or if you believe that someone has breached a duty to you or your business, get in touch with the team at Brick Business Law P.A. for a free initial consultation. You can start the process by sending us an inquiry email or by calling the firm at 855-541-7880. Serving Florida clients throughout Tampa, and St. Petersburg.