A Trusted Law Firm For

Serving Executives And Employers Across Florida

If you have been recruited or are retained in your executive role with various benefits, or you are a business owner who hires executives, you may, at some time, find yourself embroiled in a dispute over the terms of employment. Perhaps the legal issue developed long after the executive came onboard. Let us help you determine the next best steps that you can take to stand up for your rights.

Before drafting or accepting an executive-level employment contract in Florida, protect yourself with a review by an experienced employment law attorney at Brick Business Law P.A. Based in Tampa Bay, we have a great deal of experience advising and representing executives and candidates for executive positions as well as the employers who hire them. Our extensive experience handling all issues of employment law helps you avoid liability and develop fulfilling workplaces.

Executive and other upper-level managers in large corporations often receive employment contracts promising expansive remuneration reflecting the corporations’ overall successes. We work with individuals and businesses, helping negotiate or review contracts involving:

  • Bonuses and commissions
  • Deferred compensation
  • Stocks and stock options
  • Lucrative severance packages
  • Perks such as vehicles, parking garage spaces, travel funds and other extras.

Let us advise you in ways designed to avoid litigation no matter the circumstances.

Guidance On Either Side Of An Executive Compensation Case

Our legal team provides quality service to high-level employees and employers in Florida such as:

  • C-suite executives
  • Executives caught up in business dissolutions
  • Top-notch sales leaders
  • Key personnel at large and medium-sized companies throughout Florida
  • Business owners and managers
  • Doctors, dentists and other health professionals
  • Sales professionals

Our clients work in or own businesses in fields such as health care, financial services, staffing and recruiting, fabrication, insurance and real estate, among others.

Resolving Professional Agreement And Compensation Disputes

In disputes involving professionals and executives, the employment law team at Brick Business Law P.A. help clients’ with:

  • Severance disputes allegedly for cause
  • Nonpayment or underpayment of bonuses
  • Noncompete contracts
  • Continuation or noncontinuation of health care and other benefits
  • Voluntary or involuntary early termination that may affect promises of bonuses and deferred compensation
  • Stocks and stock options affected by business dissolutions or “divorces”
  • Deferred compensation that is not impacted by the requirements of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), but is subject to Internal Revenue Code Section 409A

As a trusted and highly reputable employment law firm, you have the assurance that we always advocate for your best interests effectively and efficiently.

Discuss Your Executive Compensation Needs In A Consultation

To schedule a consultation regarding any such legal challenge involving executive compensation in Florida, send us a message by email or call us today at 855-541-7880.